Friday, February 26, 2010

Rich Preisig writes expert debt resolution content.

Richard Preisig is an expert in Web2.0 search engine techniques, handpicked keywords and keyword phrases, writing debt resolution content and articles, debt settlement content and articles, debt negotiation articles and content, tax relief content and articles and any other business that is in need of saturated content can rely on the services of Rich Preisig.


  1. Debt Settlement Articles and Landing Pages Turn Up "Spin & Spam" And Your Site Gets The Blame - Ouch!

    Updated 4/26/2010 - 5:42pm
    Of course you want free debt settlement leads, but what's the likelihood of that when the solicitor over the phone has no idea what they're talking about. Ironically, this new idea of pushing content on debt settlement affiliates has spread quickly, so you're likely to see very similar articles and much more of them, but not to worry.

    Real debt settlement articles like any other article are recognized by the search engines in the same way, yet debt settlement affiliate recruiters are finding, that utilization of an article spinner enables them to "spin and spam" the content by replacing all the synonyms in the article with the rationale that the search engines will think the article is unique. All links in these articles gets penalized by the search engines for this and may even black listed. Search Google about this for more information.

    The Debt Settlement Affiliate Warning - Recruiters Are Eating Up Your Commissions!! Learn more: 800.677.1194 -

    Ironically, Google has already made it clear that republishing another authors content without all of the original articles links and author information is considered plagiarism. For instance, you may get a call from some nim-wit claiming to want to give you landing pages and free debt settlement articles, so he can get a piece of your payout unbeknownst to you!

    Moreover, the articles they're giving you have may have been copied and the links routing to your websites will crush YOUR search engine rankings. Call me (Rich Preisig) if you have questions or need help. (203) 828 - 0124.

    The specific software program we're talking about can take an article and rewrite it based upon switching all the synonyms, but c'mon, I hope none of you are that naive. Google is worth what and these amateur software is more advanced than Google's algorithms?

    The Resolution: Depend on real, unique debt settlement content that makes for organic traffic to your landing pages or debt settlement website at Debt Settlement Articles.

    Like anything else, what sounds too easy and too good to be true has always been and will always be for the parasites who are only able to take 10% of the information and run with it.

    The Debt Settlement Affiliate Warning - Beware of Scam Affiliates Eating Up Your Commissions!! Learn more: 800.677.1194
