The Debt Relief Business Will Make Many Debt Resolution Partners and Debt Settlement Affiliates and Net Branch Owners, Millionaires in 2010!
Each and every day, one-time mortgage offices, now loan modification professionals, are adding the new and preferred attorney based debt resolution model to their array of services. And it's to be expected, as Reuters states, "Soaring U.S. unemployment and a shrinking economy drove delinquencies on credit card debt to an all-time high in the first quarter as a record number of cash-strapped consumers fell behind on their bills."
To set the stage, let's quantify the amount of money these said debt relief business owners are going to make with only 10 agents each and every month.
With the right leads and proper debt resolution training, each debt resolution agent should be able to close at least one deal each day. (20 deals each month)
Assuming that the average debt resolution deal is $25,000, and the aforementioned debt settlement or debt resolution affiliate office that is closing 200 deals per month, is getting 10 of the 15% collected in fees:
- 200 deals at $25,000 equals $5,000,000 per month in total debt load.
- $5,000,000 x 10% = $500,000 in commissions generated each month.
- For purposes of clarity, the $500,000 in commissions generated is paid out over time.
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Debt settlement affiliates who are quickly transitioning to the attorney-based debt resolution model, as it has prevailing advantages over the "green state" model (the States that don't require an attorney to settle consumer debt).
Both models are quite similar. The key difference is that, with the attorney-based model, attorneys resolve the debt versus just anyone (literally) getting on the phone as a representative of the consumer.
Curiously enough, back-end debt settlement companies are popping up like wedding factories, offering their services - "you sell, we'll settle". Clearly, the answer is to partner with an attorney-based debt resolution company.
First and foremost, and as any industry veteran will advise you, watch your cash flow; be sure to work with a company that has made a commitment to pay you accelerated commissions within the first 3 to 5 months. This is a vital component in deferring the expense of leads and client acquisition, as well as covering sales representative's commissions.
Keep in mind that the number one reason new businesses go out of business is because they have exhausted their working capital. Use these recommendations, and you can make life- altering money as a debt resolution affiliate in perhaps the biggest debt arbitrage this Country has ever seen.
In conclusion, debt resolution training for your sales force is paramount to your company's success. You might think you know what you're doing and saying - but until you have successfully pitched it yourself, such that you can immediately reply to the client's questions with cogent answers, training would prove highly beneficial to your bottom line.
Written by Richard Preisig
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