Debt settlement articles and or debt resolution articles really are the most effective bang for the buck. Remember that dissimilar conventional advertising where you've got to repeatedly afford the ads every month, once your debt processing articles are published online, they're there forever. The back links within these articles will become permanent links, forever delivering free leads. Visualize that over time, if you only published 10 new unique credit articles a month, you'd have 120 articles in a years' time. With a proper article clocking in at 500 unique words or more, you're looking at 60k words promoting your company.
"To achieve maximum effectiveness with your websites, they should be a minimum of 500 words each, as the search giants give these top value" states, Richard Preisig. When you add in another select 100 or so bookmarking sites, business 2 business networking sites, and social networking sites where your readers are found, you've got a great number articles and to the search engines, major branding is occurring and page 1 and 2 on Google become the norm. You'll just want more articles as you see their impact.
FYI: The more links you have linking back to your web page, the higher your internet site(s) will rank on major search engines like, so the more debt settlement articles you have, the better.
Richard Preisig Jr., a guru in organic search results states, "debt settlement services content and or debt resolution article marketing is fast becoming a preferred way for getting live and exclusive organic and free leads." Debt settlement newspaper leads and radio leads are demanding anywhere from $35 to $60 per lead and on their websites, they without difficulty let you know that you need to expect a 12% to 15% conversion rate. Ouch.
The attorney model partner program and debt settlement programs who on their own, purchase exclusive debt resolution leads from 3rd party lead generators have given consistent feedback that their customer acquisition cost is $350 - $500 on average from 3rd party leads.
Unable to wean yourself from the lead - tit, these lead generation companies who sell you the debt settlement leads have you hooked on the instant gratification that a lead in the mailbox delivers or live call does for your excitement level that this debt prospect may be the one, like a scratch off lottery ticket.
The funny thing is, there can be better search engine optimization rankings from these articles than a lot of lead companies selling debt negotiation leads, debt settlement leads, auto loan leads, etc. because expertly written, compelling content that captures the reader's attention drives traffic to your Web site(s) and can get you on page one and two of Google, AOL, Yahoo, etc.
First, search listings (what you type into Search Google and Yahoo) are 6 times more effective than banner ads in originating consumer interest in your product or service, and eight times more effective than tile ads.
The truth is, Google searches with keywords and keyword phrases are more effective for finding what you're looking for than both banner ads and text ads combined because today's online researchers are getting more educated searchers, realizing that multiple keyword queries often yield better results.
And lastly, search listing are more effective regarding brand and favorable opinion.
Sales content that is published in high "PR" ranking websites is more than likely to become located by your prospective debt clients in a Search engines like Google search.
It is common knowledge among search engine optimization experts that well written content drives traffic and if you were to take a peek behind the proverbial debt resolution, debt settlement, tax relief, what have you, Curtain, you'd see that the best leads you can buy come from consumers typing into Google the search words they're looking for and then seeking out the articles that give them a broader understanding of the topic they're interested in than just the form they already know you want them to fill out. Patience is key and providing value first is the secret sauce.